Lisa Hoashi Lisa Hoashi

Love these Numbers 🧮

I don’t know many life coaches who track their clients’ results.

Maybe an excuse could be that we often work with less quantifiable results. A typical career coach, for example, can measure how many clients they’ve helped get new jobs or increase their salaries.

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Lisa Hoashi Lisa Hoashi

An anniversary I won't forget

This month, nine years ago, I began my coaching practice with a small handful of clients. At that same time, I was in coach training, and had just moved to Spain to be with my fiance. The next month we married at City Hall with our parents in attendance.

What a big time of change!

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Lisa Hoashi Lisa Hoashi

Sources of Inspiration for Moments of Change

The only constant in life is change – and I’m here to help you navigate that change, how to make intentional changes for a happier and fuller life, and how to grow the resilience that will support you along the way.

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Lisa Hoashi Lisa Hoashi

Best Practices for Cultivating New (and Meaningful) Habits

Let’s say that you have always wanted to write a book. You’ve decided it’s time to finally get a first draft done. What you’re currently trying to figure out is how to develop a regular writing practice. You’re already very busy! You have a full-time job, family obligations, a full social life, plus you have to keep up your meditation and exercise habits. It’s hard to add one more thing. 

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Lisa Hoashi Lisa Hoashi

Do you think about moving somewhere new?

It’s a really common conundrum that people turn over and over in their minds, often for years before they take action. 

Figuring out whether you should move and where too – of all the many possible places – can be daunting. As humans, we just don’t do well with contemplating taking action that involves a lot of unknowns, and risk, so we often just put it off.

I often coach people around this question, and since I’ve also moved a number of times as an adult, I can offer both my professional and personal advice around this topic!

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Lisa Hoashi Lisa Hoashi

If You're Thinking Of Quitting

I wanted to quit.

But I wasn’t allowed to. 

I was about 6 years old and in the back seat of the car, wearing a polyester Little League uniform. My mom was driving me to practice. 

Please Mom, I don’t want to go. 

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Lisa Hoashi Lisa Hoashi

6 basic remedies for burnout 🩺

For those of you who have been following me for some time, you probably know that self-care and paying attention to personal energy is a key part of my coaching.

Because it’s near impossible to follow through on any significant change in your life if energetically you’re barely scraping by.

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Lisa Hoashi Lisa Hoashi

Creativity, Coaching and Business with Annie Wong

Balancing creativity and business can be tricky. Prioritizing creativity as well as making a living can be hard at times, but it is a path that many of my clients choose to take because the rewards are entirely worth it!

I recently interviewed one of my clients, Annie Wong, on the Leap Like Me Podcast about her business journey, and how coaching has helped her to keep creativity and business in balance with each other.

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Lisa Hoashi Lisa Hoashi

Embracing Radical Change in Your Life

A radical reset is triggered when you know it's time to make some big changes in multiple important areas in life and work.

For example, when I first started considering taking a year-long sabbatical, quitting my job, and getting rid of all my stuff, I knew that this was part of a desire for a radical reset.

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Lisa Hoashi Lisa Hoashi

Prioritize Your Creative Pursuits and Feel More Energized

It’s easy to let your creative pursuits fall by the wayside when you are focused on your career and making money. However, not prioritizing your creativity can leave you feeling stuck and unfulfilled.

It’s important to re-energize your creative self, recognise when it’s time to make creativity a priority, and know what to do when you get stuck.

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Lisa Hoashi Lisa Hoashi

Networking with Authenticity with Tina Sula

“I really believe this: all the opportunities that we seek, if we're able to clarify them, if we're able to name them, one of our first degree connections will have a connection to someone who will have access to that opportunity or who can get us closer to that opportunity.” - Tina Sula

Tina Sula, is a philanthropic advisor and fundraiser, professor, and expert in networking. I recently sat down with her to talk about the importance of knowing what you want, how to make authentic connections, and being clear about your value alignment.

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