Gaining Clarity on Where To Take Your Career Next

Does this sound familiar?

You’ve worked so hard to get where you’re at in your career… but it’s not making you happy.

You feel like you should know what you should do next … but you keep going around and around on the options.

You know you have a lot to contribute … but you can’t seem to get unstuck and on the right track.

And more than anything, you’re ready to change all the above and find some clarity about what work and next move is truly right for you.

If you’re nodding your head right now, then you probably should keep reading!

Learn From My Mistakes

I’ve made so many mistakes in my career path.

You might think I’m exaggerating.

But even my dad has said to me, multiple times, what were you thinking [when you stayed in that boring, talent-wasting, under-paying job for so many years]?

But the good news is that YOU get to benefit from ALL my mistakes.

Over the years – and thanks to my experiences with coaching – I’ve learned that these mistakes:

👉🏽 Underestimating what you bring to work

👉🏽 Making choices that don’t lead you where you ultimately want to go

👉🏽 Taking (and staying in) jobs that don’t fit or make you unhappy

... Can be largely avoided with these simple, accessible practices:

💡 Understanding what work you like and what you don’t like

💡 Getting clearer on your strengths and skill set (for yourself and so you can share them with others)

💡 Articulating your bigger vision for your ideal job (and life!)

💡 Taking regular, do-able action steps to improve your work and get closer to your ideals.

Using these tactics, I’ve entirely re-engineered my work life so all the time it’s coming closer and closer to checking all the boxes for my perfect job:

✅ Lots of flexibility

✅ Less than 40 hours a week

✅ Using my strengths

✅ No limits to my growth, impact, or earning

Iluminate Your Career Path

We spend so much time working, and yet, what constantly surprises me is how little time we actually spend designing our careers.

I can't tell you how much of a difference it makes to take time out of work to think about HOW you're working, WHY you're working and WHAT you want out of your work.

It takes just 5 steps to create an intentional and fulfilling career path:

Step 1️⃣ Take stock of the present, including the key sources of satisfaction or dissatisfaction at work right now. Plus, learn how to boost your energy so you have what you need to keep going.

Step 2️⃣ Make a fresh inventory of your skills, strengths, contributions and accomplishments to remind yourself of what makes you special, feeling good, and what you can offer others.

Step 3️⃣ Review the story of your career so far, looking for places where you might unhook from the past, so you can move forward.

Step 4️⃣ Create a vision of your ideal job (and life!) so you know what you’re aiming for -- so that your next career moves will eventually take you there. Learn why having a vision is important and how to use it.

Step 5️⃣ Determine the right next steps for you, and learn how to make a habit of taking intentional action, so you’re always moving closer to your ideals.

These practical steps form the basis of my course “Illuminate your Career Path”:


Illuminate Your Career Path is the affordable, accessible way to gain clarity on your career path, IN LESS THAN TWO WEEKS, that gives you the exact steps to cut through the confusion and worry about your next steps so you can move forward confident about your decisions and direction.

⁠In this online course that you can do at your own pace, whenever and wherever it works best for you, I’ll help you review where you’re at with your career, what you ultimately want in your work, and how best to get from HERE to THERE.

This is career guidance that maybe you’ve never gotten -- and can transform your happiness and satisfaction at work.

Are you ready to get the clarity on your career that you’ve been longing for?


Networking with Authenticity with Tina Sula


Making the Most of Crossroads Moments