Lisa Hoashi

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Spring Lethargy is a Real Thing: Tips for Seasonal Changes

The weather has been bright and sunny. The days are noticeably longer. The birds are singing and the trees are blossoming.

The world outside has been bursting with energy and it seemed like I should be too but instead I've felt like crawling back into bed.

That’s how I found out that springtime fatigue -- or lethargy -- is a real thing. It's caused by the change of season and our bodies needing a bit of time to catch up!

Plus, Daylight Savings and seasonal allergies can have an added impact on our energy during this time of year.

If this change of season is affecting you too, and you’re curious what else might help you beyond the usual self-care routine of exercise, eating and sleeping well, here are three easy, outside-the-box ideas that can help you boost your energy when it's lagging.

1. Use this magic question

Ask yourself this simple question throughout your day: What’s one thing I can do right now to make life better or easier for myself?

I’ve seen this question work when nothing else does.

That’s because:

  • Usually we can quickly identify at least one thing that will make us feel better.

  • Often it’s not complicated or difficult to do.

  • Many times when we’re unhappy, our own thoughts are contributing to bringing us down. This question invites self-compassion by asking you to do something nice for yourself.

  • It’s empowering. This question places the control into your own hands over how you feel and what action you can take.

The answer is often calm, immediate and simple, like:

Get outside for exercise today.

Call my friend – she always makes me laugh.

Let go of that thing I thought I should do tonight, but really don't want to.

We all have moments where we get stuck in a negative head space. In times like these, this question can be an escape hatch.

2. Give yourself a break from being productive, instead do something purely fun.

You can get an amazing burst of energy from doing things you love, especially your side interests and hobbies.

Have you been giving enough time to your hobbies, or do you need a new one?

What “frivolous” thing would you love to spend time on that brings you no wealth or status, but that you do only out of curiosity and pleasure?

This is really important. This – in addition to all that important life stuff of career, family and goals – is about you being your best self. You expressing yourself fully in the world.

So sign up for that marathon. Join that jazz band. Clean out a corner of the garage for your new workshop. Book that river rafting trip. Fire up your kiln. Set up a telescope and spread out the star charts.

Don’t be shy. Don’t even worry if you’re good at it.

I see over and over again that following your oddball side interests will have a hugely positive ripple effect on your entire life.

Need help brainstorming your next hobby? Grab my three prompts here >>

3. Fake it until you become it

If you’re feeling blue, you can boost your mood by doing something as easy as smiling slightly throughout your day.

For an explanation of this technique, watch social psychologist Amy Cuddy’s TedTalk, “Body Language May Shape Who You Are.”

I can personally attest to this technique!

Growing up my mom always complained that I was always so grouchy in the morning. Seriously, my natural state upon waking is with a thundercloud over my head. ⛈

What I learned to do over the years, so I could live peaceably with my family, roommates and later with a partner, was to always cheerfully chirp “Good morning!” and smile with everyone I saw in the morning, no matter how evil I felt inside.

My “act” has worked so well over the years that now I feel like I’m a relatively goodnatured person now in the morning. (Would my husband agree, I wonder? 😅)

All in all, just make it easier

For my own spring lethargy, making my life easier in any way I can has helped me to slowly recover my energy during this seasonal change.

That’s still more or less my mantra: Make it easier.

Being more kind to yourself and a little less demanding can really help you restore and rebuild your energy when you’re lagging.

How about you?

Have you found any inspiration in these ideas? What might you try this week to keep you going strong?